30 Meals ready in under 30 minutes

I don’t like to admit that I’ve grown fond of being in the kitchen. Maybe it took me getting my dream white/grey kitchen or the fact that I can only look in the fridge for so long before I realize food won’t cook itself.

Whatever the reason is, I’ve enjoyed cooking lunch and dinner for the family (breakfast is every man for themselves!). What I’m not and will never be okay with it is spending hours in the kitchen. The amount of hats I wear on a daily basis is laughable if it weren’t so true - accountant, blogger, business owner, wife, friend, … etc. I literally don’t have the hours to make four course meals but that doesn’t mean I want to sacrifice on taste. In those moments when I’m pinched to find the time but still need a hearty meal, here are some of my easy go-to recipes. My advise: do what I did and create a Pinterest board. My title? I wanna eat but have little time to cook.

Panko- & Parmesan-Crusted Baked Scallops.jpg

Panko- & Parmesan-Crusted Baked Scallops

Asparagus Beef Saute.jpg

Asparagus Beef Saute


Easy DEcor Items to Refreshen Any Living Room


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