7 Ways to Start the Year on A Great Start

It’s a New Year!!! If you’re like me you’re already tired of the vision boards and goals plastered on social media. I’m not sure why January 1st is the day we decide to get our shit together and then forget all about that shit we just committed to 3 months ago.I was that person in 2019. I created this list of 30 goals at the beginning of the year and couldn’t tell you how many times I referenced that list throughout the year. Needless to say, my journal spent more time with my goals than I did actually accomplishing them so I decided to make a change. I decided to make small changes at the beginning of the year that I could do daily and weekly and add up to some big things at the end of the year. Here are 7 ways/changes to start the year on a great start:

  1. De clutter one area of your house

FengShui_FeatureIt doesn’t have to be much, but start somewhere: closet, pantry, fridge, car … take 15-20 mins right now (yes right now…well unless you’re at work and in that case, get it done as soon as you get home) and clean up and then make a decision to do a certain area every week or month until you feel like your home is clean and clutter free. You could be crazy like me and decide to throw away 1 item a day for the next 366 days but it’s in the early stages and I’m known for giving something up if it challenges me too hard so we’ll see how well that goes.

  1. Automate your Savings

Doesn’t have to be much but set it up automatically. Don’t count on yourself to do it every payday. Start small, $20 - $50, but start somewhere. Do it before the end of January

  1. Don’t make weight loss goals but set intentions to be healthy

I think it was age 25 when I had a weight loss goal every – single – year. This year I’m over it. I’ve decided to break myself of the heartache and just make a goal to be healthy and active. To commit to less sugar and more cardio. Let the pounds fall where they may but I’m more concerned with making sure my eating habits are on track

  1. Read 30 mins a day

5c9966ab18497fa9876f5a14e7c78d23.jpgI had this great goal last year of reading 30 books a year and felt like a failure because I only got to 23. What kind of person thinks 23 books is a failure? After I adjusted my logical thinking, I realized I put so much time in that number that I didn’t realize what I accomplished. No more # number of books. It’s 30 minutes of daily reading. If that turns into 30 books read or 10, I’m happy with my daily goal.

  1. Give yourself a mini at home spa session

We get so busy and tied down with the holidays and trying to be there for everybody else that we forget about ourselves. Now that the holidays are over, take some time to treat on yourself. Pour a hot bath, light a candle, put on a sheet mask and indulge, if for just 30 mins, on yourself.

  1. Buy an awesome planner

JenniferAvello_HappinessPlanner.jpgIf nothing more than to carry around this cute planner with hopes that you make and keep appointments, happy hours, brunches, or anything else your heart desires.

  1. Write or Voice Your Thoughts

This saved me from so many arguments and forced conversations. Whenever I found my tongue getting too big for a conversation, I simply told myself “just wait until you can write it out’. I used to love to journal but got away from it the last couple of years. I’m glad I back into my passion for writing.I hope that one of several of things can inspire you to start 2020 on a great start. 

Alicia B Gettys

Goal Setting is So 2019


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