7 books on my 'To Read' list for 2018


The past several years, I'v really gotten into books and find myself wanting to read a good book over watching TV.  It's something about the creativity that a book brings that you can't get with a movie. I've made a goal to read the number of books that correspond to my age. 30 books for 2018 it is for me. Below are a few books that I've be getting good reviews and am looking forward to reading

The Gifts of Imperfection : Brene Brown

51W08ZSkHSL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_I've heard really great things about this book. I have already reading a few pages and can definitely tell this is going to be a great 'self help' book.'no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough' 

The Year of Yes - Shonda Rhimes

51fRrYZt84L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_because what has Shonda created that wasn't a work of art?

We're Going to need more Wine - Gabrielle Union

51P05vhqtCL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_This originally wasn't on my list but during her book tour she discussed some things that I had no idea she went thru (rape, miscarriages, etc). This book was basically her journal that allowed her to spill her emotions on paper instead in the public eye. A book worth reading.

I Almost Forgot About You - Terry McMillian

51+quufmSRL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_I have to incorporate a few fiction books in my list for 2018 (for my sanity). A novel that in essence states, it's never too late to give up on your dreams and who you thought you wanted to become.

Money Honey: A Simple 7-Step Guide For Getting Your Financial $hit Together - Rachael Richards

51Z0wSNI+kL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_I always try to read a couple money/budgeting/finance books throughout the year. Coming from a family that was never taught budgeting or 401k or life insurance, I want to make sure I take advantage of every financial opportunity given to me while ensure I leave a legacy for my children and not a debt.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing - Marie Kondo

512oubYY-pL._SX354_BO1,204,203,200_Okay, this might not be one of those books that I actually get around to reading simply because it involves a change in how I'm living. I am OCD when it comes to my house. Everything has a place and my organization is ON POINT! However, there are times when I feel like I have too much 'stuff'. Do I really need 20+ towels if it's just me and the hubby in the house? Is 30 candles too many candles? How many closets do I take up in the house before I realize I have too many clothes?I want do try this Kon Mari method of a minimal lifestyle but I'm nervous about what that really means.

#Staymarried: A Couples Devotional: 30-Minute Weekly Devotions to Grow In Faith And Joy from I Do to Ever After - Michelle Peterson

Me and the hubby will be celebrating 5 years of marriage this September. Every year, we try to read a book about growing/maintaining your marriage each year. We fight, argue, disagree, etc but we have to understand that a relationship takes work and we're putting in the work each year to grow and sustain our marriage. What are some books on your list for 2018? Do you give yourself a goal of how many books to read? If so, how many are on your list for 2018?


Series: Drugstore Faves || Jan 18


What I'm leaving behind in 2017