Cheers to 29....Hello 30!!


It's finally here!! I will officially be 30 in less than a week. Where some people fear 30 and treat it like a disease, I'm embracing my age and all the things that come with it. I'm looking forward to 30 and embracing this new decade in my life. I have my family, my health, and my happiness. Looking back on the past 29 years, I've spent time reflecting on what I've accomplished and what mistakes I've learned from. Some takeaways from the past 2+ decades....

  • Travel and travel often: doesn't have to be an international trip but just take a few days and unwind. It will mean more to you in the future than that work project that 'had' to be can wait, your sanity cannot.
  • Never be afraid to say no if you really don't want to do it. This is something I'm continually having to work on. I have a bad habit of just saying yes and being there for everyone and everything. Not bad if you can, but take time to make sure you're being taken care of as well.
  • College or no College...the decision is yours only. I'm the first to say, getting a degree has GREATLY helped me find a great career path and enabled me to do things I've always wanted to do. It's even helped finance my dream career (blogging). However, I'm not naive to say that college is for everyone. It's okay to take a year off after high school to determine what you really want to do/be in life. Whatever decision you decide, make sure it's your decision.
  • Be active...stay active. I fell off in college. I can admit it. My freshmen 15 was more like sophomore 15, junior 15 & senior 15!! I didn't realize just how heavy I had gotten until I saw my college graduation pictures. WAKE UP CALL!! I got myself in the gym, changed my eating habits ( I still have cheat days!), and made sure I made myself accountable. At 29, I'm the fittest I've ever been and that's something I'm definitely going to continue in this next decade.
  • Find some 'me time' everyday. For me, it's the first 10-15 minutes after I wake up. Husband is still sleep and it gives me time to focus on the day ahead and be grateful for yesterday. I'm not a mother (yet), but as the days get more hectic, it's important to find 5-10 minutes to just be with yourself. Allow yourself to feel feelings, emotions, gratitude for your life. You may be happy, have to cry, want to curse, whatever you're feeling at the moment, it's important to let it out. The last thing you want is to carry those emotions around with you everyday and explode later...
  • Family is everything...and yes, friends can be family.
  • Find your passion. I work in finance. I love my job but I'm not passionate about it. A couple of years ago, I started using social media (Instagram and YouTube) to start my natural hair blogging and besides meeting my husband, was one of the best decisions I've made. I've meet so many amazing people. I've been given so many incredible platforms to share my love for hair, beauty, and even fashion. I wish I would have step outside my comfort zone earlier but better late than never.

The past 29 years have been full of ups, downs, and life lessons. I have met new friends, had to part ways with old ones, and met the love of my life. I'm truly grateful and blessed with all that I've been given and truly know and understand God's grace on my life. I know that if the past 29 years are any indication of the next 29, I'm gonna be one blessed gal!Processed with VSCO with s3 presetProcessed with VSCO with s3 presetProcessed with VSCO with s3 presetProcessed with VSCO with s3 preset64e72ed9-0728-482d-b91f-310a188effdcProcessed with VSCO with s3 presetProcessed with VSCO with s3 presetProcessed with VSCO with s3 preset

Outfit Details: 

Sweater: Forever 21

Jeans: TJ Maxx

Boots: Tommy Hilfiger - ON SALE!

Jewelry: Trinity Jewelry

~Cocoa Curls


Foundation Faves under $15


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