Sunday Prep = Productive Week


It’s Sunday and the last thing we want to do is think about Monday and the work week ahead. I get it…happens all the time. It’s time to change that thinking. Approach Sunday with a mindset that Monday is going to be the best day of the week. Here are some things to do on Sunday to prep and be more productive in the week ahead.

Meal Prep

Meal-Prep-Instagram-Dannys-Fit-Food-1What better way to prepare for a healthy week than prepping your meals f? You can prep for just lunch or both lunch and dinner but get in the habit of making Sunday your meal prep day it will pay off when Wednesday rolls around, you have not motivation to cook and SURPRISE! Your meal prepping on Sunday has saved you unhealthy and expensive eating out... 

Create Outfits for the Week

2e1740af99fe9ed1e67edf0ae9a80c49You wake up late and are rushing to get ready, how proud are you that you don’t have to take 20 mins of time you don’t have to figure out something to wear. Use Sunday as that day to pick out and iron (if needed) your outfits for the week. I always lay out 7 simply because I like options.

Create Workout Schedule

b9d043a10bef377d439946ad06b6d060Sundays are normally rest days for those that workout. Take 15 mins or so to plan and chart out your workout routine for the week. Do you normally take Wednesday off but are going to happy hour Thursday? This is the time to change and adjust your routine based on your events for the week. Don’t get in the habit of saying you’re going to go workout, forget that you have an after work function, and your workout never happens as a result. Check out the class schedule at your local gym and try to align your schedule to check out those classes. I didn’t realize it until later but going to those classes can make you accountable to working out if you don’t work out with a partner.

Make To do List for Monday

To_Do_List.pngMaybe it’s the O.C.D in me, but I have to have a To-Do list for each day. Take a few mins Sunday night to make a to-do list of things you need to do. Don’t overload your list but make at least 7 things or so that need to get done tomorrow. As the week goes on, each night create that same to do list. If there is something that was on your list that didn’t get accomplished, put it on your list for next day. It’s a way of holding yourself accountable and creating mini goals for yourself each day.

Tidy Up

3_Simply_Spaced-590b3eb25f9b5864706323fbHave that drawer you’ve been meaning to clean out and organize? Or that load of laundry you were going to do Saturday but ‘forgot’? Take time to tidy up or clean and straightened up. No one wants to come home after a long day during the week to clean and do laundry. Take 1 hour or so to clean, dust, and organize your space to avoid having to do during the week.

Relax, Relate, Release

639631f89a598ad601435fa2559ddc19.jpgIn all that you’re doing today, don’t forget to take some time to relax. We know you aren’t looking forward to Monday and the long work week but taking some time to relax and release the negativeness of last week and inhale the positive vibes will help in how you tackle the week ahead. Did I forget anything? Leave comment below...


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